Wave stay with Me

Brought forth, your being knitted into this tapestry of Tomorrow that became Now
On HIS Day you were revealed and rejoiced for
We knew you when most couldn't

We cried;Most wouldn't share the time
To revel in your beauty AND humor, YOUR unique CANDOR

Blessed are thee that are called to the LORD
Not here, yet with me everyday,
Love Intense spent in urgent and
fast Waves
Emotion A rhythm that's like my heart beat
Borne to I.... ME
I of WE loved you,

Dreams of GREAT things
Bright heart, Inner Glow
We were excited to watch you Grow

Now No MORE,Not in My Arms like I dreamed
Baby I kissed and held you every night
You knew my every prayer and I was thankful
for the Time, It wasn't Mine but the connection eternal
Servant of Tomorrow, Nurturer of Today, Forgiver of Yesterday
I am Your MOTHER, I was Chosen,and my being longs for you

Every Day until END of Days
And into then After, As it was Written
I shall be with You- ALWAYS

The Five Signs You Cant Ignore- Your Change is Coming

Life will throw you fast balls and you can either swing or sit your ass down... those are the only two choices you have, however the beauty of it all is that you will be given the signs to prepare you that your call to base is coming... Its your hit, will you go deaf and leave your opportunity to grow, progress, elevate to someone else or will you have faith that some good will come of this new unknown experience. For me- my signs came in five. Five signs that I couldn't ignore.

Sign 1. It was really random- it started from a facebook request- you know all these friends and family members you have on FB 99% of them you don't talk to and you aren't really sure you have met before, but Facebook seemed to know something that your didn't so you hit the accept button and months or years later you hadn't gotten around to unfriended them. "Can I crash at your place for New Years Eve, me and my three kids (who are all sick with strep) at your small condo?" Don't all jump up at once...but clearly this has to be a sign of the times- things are going to change. I was taken aback, but it was so obvious a sign I couldn't refuse. Signs are often times that good Samaritan act that you have every valid reason to say no, to turn your back, and be justified with every shadow of doubt. I challenge you to say yes. By saying yes you change the route of your journey; it may not be evident at first or at all, but do believe that no good deed goes unnoticed. So while you are reminding those little ones to cover their mouths while their hacking it up and keep repeating "Sharing is Caring" know that your next sign is coming.

Sign 2. The true character of your close ones will be revealed. They will understand for a brief moment in time the beauty of you and the thought of losing your mere existence in their life and they will reveal it in the most profound and simple way- but the hard part here is that you have to devoid yourself from the distraction, from the noise to see and hear this. Take a moment and put the effort into your friendships- someone has reached out with love, but you were too busy to understand this extension of love. Tomorrow I want you to make an effort in return and pick up the phone and call them. No excuses. Pick up the phone like we did fifteen-twenty years ago and have a conversation and make time for them.

Sign 3. Take advice from a young child, the younger the better. They are so innocent and clear- life is simple- its about give and take, say sorry and hug, then we pillow fight and eat chocolate. Kids, especially young kids, are the closest to God in my opinion- I mean how amazing is the process of life right, created from two: a mommy cell and a daddy cell 9 months later this beautiful new creature. From a chronological perspective, they are the closest to the Creator, they have this innate sense of life's balance and God's love before it becomes corrupted by the rest of us. Take heed from them and their cryptic advice that is often tied to some Disney movie metaphor or imaginary Sparto who keeps taking the peppermint candies. If you aren't around kids, now is the time to do someone a good deed and babysit. It's tough being a parent of a youngin' so the fact you are giving a couple a date night, God will surely bless you with a sign out of the mouth of babes.

Sign 4. Dates, pay attention to the calendar. I am a big believer in keeping calendars and writing what is supposed to happen and what actually does and doesn't. Just by keeping track of these things you will see yourself grow over time and patterns will begin to appear. For me the month of February is the worst, it is always seems to be the month where I am challenged emotionally, while March is my rebound month and May- oh May is my month of transformative happiness. If you don't mind the calendar like this- now is the time to start. I am sure it has to do with the stars and astrology and that stuff which is beautiful and I love it- but I live in the city of big lights NYC and it gets cold out here- so a calendar is a lot easier to track than the big dipper.

Sign 5. This post is your sign. Your sign that change is coming. The mere inspiration of me writing these words, you reading them- take it as your sign that change is coming and that you will step up to the plate with confidence, tackling this upcoming experience with grace, courage, and beauty. Its very easy to not open a new door, explore new opportunities, start new relationships but these things allow us to build our legacy, our character, our journey and literally begins with understanding the signs and being open to receive them.

Bleh 2015 to Hell Yeah

So I was excited for 2015.... But it had other plans for me; I lost my job, had a miscarriage, and now my whole life is about to be upside down as we uproot from NYC to God only knows where as I am interviewing with companies all over the country. As I come to terms that life is no longer growing in my womb as I pack boxes, I can only be thankful for what I do have. Every morning before I get out of bed I make myself go down a list.

-My own life and the ability to get pregnant again- it was real touch and go there during the miscarriage

-My beautiful 3 year old daughter- she inspires me to be resilient and striving to be beautiful

-My loving husband that is always there with me as God takes us on this roller coaster journey

-My mother and sister which have been and will always be my motivation to keep going- that I cant be stopped

It is now March and I have been longing to write from January, but somehow I couldn't bare to get on here because to write for me is to bare my soul, to deal with my sadness, and disappointments; to be jolted out of my sleep and depression. Months have passed and uncertainty remains, but the beauty I love and revere remains and is flourishing... despite the harsh winter, the seeds are blossoming. Here is what this post will be about- what I have learned in 2015 and what I expect out of the remainder of the year.
All women experience miscarriages, only 20-25% of women know about it, and of that 20-25% about 50% of them experience miscarriage in their first trimester. No matter how you slice and dice it- when you find out you are expecting you immediately begin to dream and yearn about your growing child, you want nothing but the best for them, and you so badly want them in your arms. When you are unable to hold your child in your arms, it is heart breaking and simply said it is a loss. With every loss, mourning and grieving needs to happen in order to heal. There is no time line, right/wrong way, or cookie-cutter way to deal with handling this type of loss; for me- everyday is different and I have to acknowledge the fact that I am a child of God. I am due an inheritance that is only for me and that with every blessing and tribulation I have to continue to thank Him because I am being elevated even when it feels like I am quickly sinking. Today's hurdle and obstacle are ladder rungs into my new reality that I cant even begin to imagine for myself and when I reach my new plateau I will be able to understand the scars I received along the way and that they will only make my testimony a tool to be able to relate with someone else to tell them its going to be ok, I know how despair and hopelessness feels like, but I know what accomplishment, joy, and love feels like to and it is worth every pain and tear shed.
Unemployment... Geesh this one definitely threw me for a loop, I have been employed since I was 16 years old (and well the season of spring is setting on this chicken!), I have managed to dodge major layoffs, pink slips, and any sort of loss of job until 2015. I am a bonafide workaholic- I was living my childhood dream working in the fashion/retail industry. Now I am not saying I have loved every job- most of the times I was stressed out, extremely fatigued, and paranoid about not having the right answer when it was time for me to say my spiel. I often had to deal with perception issues about being a Black woman with dreads in Corporate America, ensuring I was given my respect due, and had to fight tooth and nail to execute my strategies that I knew were the right thing to do for the customer. It was always worth it though when I saw my customer with that look in her eye- you know that look when you have struck gold on a shoe floor, jewelry case, or fitting room; that moment where you are like YES!!! THIS WAS MEANT FOR ME!! When I was a little girl, I was picked on for not having Nikes, Tommy Hilfiger, and other designer labels in my wardrobe and I wanted nothing more to give every girl the access to beauty and confidence with out the labels and high price tags. No one should have to choose between eating or having the "right wardrobe".
Yes I no longer work for the major retailor but my passion for a woman's beauty and confidence prevails coupled with my each one teach one attitude. Sometimes you need the noise to be silenced so that truth can be uncovered and revealed, in this short time I have uncovered a new passion- nutrition. I have discovered the Paleo diet and have found myself in the kitchen unlike ever before experimenting with fruits and vegetables cooking with love- sometimes it is a success and other times... not so much, but definitely a lesson learned. I am finding beauty in not only the outer esthetic of clothes and accessories, but also in what we put in our bodies and our families' bodies. I have taught my daughter and I am sure a lot of it is in the genes about what beauty is and she is obsessed with it as well as frozen and dinosaurs. I have taught her that being beautiful means being brave, courageous, forgiving, polite, and resilient- and a touch of lip gloss and nail polish are the cherries on top. Now I am including the importance of eating the foods that God created- and balancing that with what man made/processed foods... albeit my explanations are dramatic " your pretty smile will fall out of your head if you eat to much goldfish" hey she is three and she is eating bell peppers, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower and actually saying it is yummy so don't judge me!

I really don't know what is going to happen with my life in the next couple months or this grand year of 2015, but I do know that I see happiness and tears, growth, success, health, beauty, nutrition, building up women of all walks of life, and of course a deeper relationship with my God. I am scared shitless but at the same exact time I am exhilarated at the possibilities and the new chapter that is unfolding before me! All I can do now, is wash my face, moisturize, draw on some liner and pucker my lips for a stunning lip color and kiss yesterday goodbye and today and tomorrow HELLO!!